Thursday, August 30, 2012

Health and Lighting

Health and Lighting                                                                                     Sarah Mabry
                In new evidence and research is leading scientists to gain a greater understanding of how light is affecting our health.  For the past 120 years humans have been exposed to artificial lighting.  The exposure to light is impacting out health by increasing cancer rates, effecting Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.  Increasing cancer rates are beginning to appear in people who work at night.  Night shift working nurses are at a higher risk for breast cancer in particular.  Workers who chose to work at night are going against their natural circadian rhythms that allow the body to sleep.  Melatonin the hormone that is crucial for sleep is the link researchers are using to study why these rates are going up.  When working at night a person body is exposed to one bright light source.  The hormone melatonin is not released when the body wants to naturally with the changes in light.  Abnormal release of this hormone is not healthy for the body.  Researchers are also looking at the color of light and how that affects the brain.  Studies have been conducted exposing men to a blue light and a red light.  It has been shown that men exposed to the blue lights were having trouble going to sleep.  This was not the case with a red light.  More and more blue light is being used in technology and other products.  The exposure to these lights are contributing to how our health.  Designers are one of the crucial elements in building to controlling these issues.  The more knowledge designers have on the subject allows for change in occur.        

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